Celebrities earn millions and even billions of dollars from lucrative brand deals, movies, TV shows, and side businesses. But have you ever wondered what happens to this money after they die?
Of course, while they’re alive, they spend most of their fortune on private jets, expensive outfits, lavish accommodations and so much more. But many of them choose to leave the rest of their estate to charity, simply because they don’t want their children to inherit free money.
Here are some of the famous celebrities who are planning to leave their billions to charitable causes after their death.
Kirk Douglas

Bart Sherkow/ Shutterstock | Kirk Douglas was worth $61 million at the time of his death
Kirk Douglas was worth $61 million at the time of his death, but he didn’t leave a single penny from his estate for his children. Instead, the money went to his charitable cause called Douglas Foundation, which he founded in 1964 with his wife.
Some of the organizations to benefit from his will her Children’s Hospital, Culver City’s Kirk Douglas Theatre, and Sinai Temple in Los Angeles.
Even though his children didn’t get any money from his estate, Kirk’s son Michael Douglas went on to build his own $300-million empire. Although, we doubt that he will follow in his father’s footsteps when writing a will.
Simon Cowell

s_bukley/Shutterstock | Cowell says that he wants his son to appreciate the fruit of labor by earning his own money
Simon Cowell’s claim to fame is his tough love persona on reality television shows like American Idol and America’s Got Talent. And it turns out that the former judge also brings some of this tough love home.
In a recent interview, Cowell says that he wants his son to appreciate the fruit of labor by earning his own money. As for his own multi-million-dollar fortune, he’s planning to leave it all to charities.
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan is unarguably one of the biggest A-listers in Hollywood thanks to his iconic action films and impressive stunts. The actor is worth $370 million today but he’s not planning to leave his fortune to his son.
According to Chan, his family members are more than capable to earn their own bread and don’t need to be spoiled with free money.
Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis

Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock | When it comes to parenting, Hollywood couple Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are absolutely goals
When it comes to parenting, Hollywood couple Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are absolutely goals. But don’t be fooled by these doting parents because they’re not planning to spoil their children with their hard-earned money.
During an episode on Dax Shephard’s podcast, Armchair Expert, Kutcher revealed that his $265 million fortune would be distributed among his favorite charities instead of being locked up in a trust fund for his kids.