In the vast expanse of the cosmos, stars are like giant cosmic furnaces, fusing hydrogen into helium in their cores. As these celestial powerhouses evolve, they undergo dramatic transformations, including swelling into red giants, the bloated remnants of sun-like stars. While red giants may spell doom for planets like Earth, they present a unique opportunity for scientists to delve into the mysteries of stellar magnetism.

Instagram | Red giants may spell doom for planets like Earth.
Hidden deep within the hearts of red giants lie powerful magnetic fields, invisible forces that shape their evolution and influence their surroundings. But these magnetic fields are cloaked in secrecy, their intricacies largely unknown. To unravel these cosmic enigmas, scientists have turned to a remarkable phenomenon – starquakes.
Just as earthquakes shake the Earth, red giants experience subtle oscillations, like the ringing of a bell. These stellar tremors, known as starquakes, carry valuable information about the star’s interior, including its core. By studying these oscillations, scientists can probe the depths of the red giant and uncover the secrets of its magnetic field.
Decoding Stellar Oscillations
Imagine a star as a giant cosmic drum, its surface vibrating like a taut membrane. These vibrations, generated by the churning plasma within the star, produce waves that travel through its interior. The properties of these waves, such as their frequency and amplitude, reveal the star’s composition, rotation, and even the presence of magnetic fields.

Instagram | Study of stellar oscillations, known as asteroseismology.
The study of stellar oscillations, known as asteroseismology, has emerged as a powerful tool for understanding stars. By analyzing the intricate patterns of these oscillations, scientists can infer the star’s internal structure and dynamics.
Mixed Modes: A Window into the Core
In red giants, a special type of oscillation, known as a mixed mode, holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of their magnetic fields. Mixed modes arise from the interaction between acoustic pressure modes (p-modes) and gravity modes (g-modes). P-modes are high-frequency oscillations that travel through the star’s outer layers, while g-modes are lower-frequency oscillations that penetrate the core.
In red giants, p-modes and g-modes interact, producing mixed modes that carry information from both the star’s outer regions and its core. These mixed modes are particularly sensitive to the presence of magnetic fields, allowing scientists to probe the core’s magnetic environment.
The Search for Magnetic Fields
Using data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope, scientists have been searching for mixed modes in red giants. In 2019, a team of researchers discovered mixed modes in three red giants, each exhibiting asymmetries in their oscillation patterns. These asymmetries were a telltale sign of the presence of magnetic fields, suggesting that the magnetic fields were strong enough to break the symmetry of the oscillations.

Instagram | Using data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope, scientists have been searching for mixed modes in red giants.
Subsequent studies have detected magnetic fields in the cores of more red giants, further confirming the role of magnetism in these evolved stars. These discoveries have opened up a new era in stellar astrophysics, providing insights into the formation and evolution of magnetic fields in stars.
Beyond Red Giants: The Future of Stellar Seismology
While mixed modes are particularly useful for studying red giants, scientists are exploring methods to extend this technique to other types of stars. By improving our understanding of stellar oscillations and their interactions with magnetic fields, we can unlock the secrets of stars across the cosmic landscape.
The study of stellar magnetism is still in its infancy, but the potential rewards are vast. By understanding how magnetic fields shape the evolution of stars, we can gain a deeper understanding of the cosmos and our place within it.